" High Quality Cost Effective Drug Development & Manufacturing Excellence World Wide "...


Individual Journal Articles
Int.J. Generic Drugs and Int.J. Drug Development will be offering individual articles for purchase. Index of Titles with summary / abstracts and keywords. Search Function. Int. J Generic Drugs - $15 and Int. J. Drug Development - $25 per article. Coverage past four years.
Pharmaceutical, Analytical, Microbiological, Stability & Stability Summaries SOPs available from $10 per page. IAGIM Online (member's center at www.iagim.org) provides a free key SOP each month.
Drugs Off-Patent : DOPs to Year 2017
All DOP Reports are available at IAGIM Online (for members only) - Updated Annually
Site Map of all Locum's Websites
Instant access to the main pages of Locum's Global Websites.
Global Pharmaceutical Directory
Pharmaceutical Actives, Excipients, Plant and Laboratory Equipment, Cleaning Materials & Services for the Pharmaceutical Industry. An Ongoing IAGIM 5 year Project.
IVIVC - Pilot Biostudies - Joint Venture
IAGIM and University of Maryland get together designing a IVIVC-Bio Pilot Joint Venture Project - highlighting all the do's and don'ts, tips & traps in performing IVIVC Biostudies.
Global Pharmaceutical Drug Identification
Color; Shape and Size Identification Chart - US Tablets and Capsules identified by brand name, color, score, size, shape, and printing or embossing with side-by-side color pictures. To be extended to EC and other countries. An Ongoing IAGIM 5 year Project.
Eureka Project
Joint venture partnership drug development programs with eighteen European nations under the auspices of IAGIM Drug Development Association (WWW.IAGIM.ORG)

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